Miami Newport Guitar Festival

Faruk Türünz Ouds took place in New Port Guitar Festival in Miami...
The Miami festival was held with a very large number of participants. Faruk Türünz ouds were welcomed with same high interest as Woodstock Festival.
Mr. Türünz gave 3 concerts during the festival.

Woodstock Music Festival

The festival hosted a mass variety of musical instruments and proved that Woodstock spirit was still alive. Also, all of our Custom Single and Custom Double Ouds found their new owners...
Woodstock, which is the first festival that we have participated in North America, was very pleasing, colorful. Our ouds draw high interest from the visitors.
Festival took place on September 24 and 25. Ara Dinkjian pleased the visitors of the festival with a concert, playing a Faruk Turunz signed oud. After New York, Mr. Turunz met oud lovers in Los Angeles, during a party which was given in honor of himself.

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